On April 14, 2015, tianjin zhongwang aluminum co., LTD. Cold rolling mill 2350 mm six roll CVC cold rolling mill fire extinguishing test, high and low pressure CO2 test injection achieved a complete success, which for the next rolling mill filling rolling oil and equipment with load test provides a safety guarantee. |
At present, the installation of the 2350mm cold rolling mill has been basically completed, and the monomer commissioning stage has been started since early April.According to the schedule of the project, the company decided to carry out the test injection test of CO2 fire extinguishing system of 2350 cold rolling mill on April 14.To ensure the success of the test injection, the cold rolling plant has carried out a thorough deployment. |
The automatic fire extinguishing system of 2350mm six-roll CVC cold rolling mill in the cold rolling plant is designed with high-pressure CO2 system for roll joints, low-pressure CO2 system for rolling mill body, rolling oil basement, hydraulic oil basement and plate filter room.Through this test, the technicians of China national color technology and cold rolling mill agree that the test has reached the expected fire-extinguishing effect and meets the design requirements. |
Carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system of cold rolling mill is designed, manufactured and installed by China national color technology co., LTD.The system has the characteristics of large storage tank capacity, small floor area, centralized control, strong power of spraying machine, high degree of automation, high safety performance, and high fire extinguishing performance. |
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